China Telecom are winners of the Award for Best Value Creators in the 2018 China Awards. The awards celebrate businesses and individuals which promote business and cultural links between China and Italy.
Judges from the Italian Chamber of Commerce, MF-Milano Finanza and Fondazione Italia Cina praised China Telecom’s Italy branch for its highly-rated performance. After reviewing every Italian-Chinese company and every Italian investment company in China, they chose China Telecom to receive the prestigious award.
The award comes at the end of China Telecom’s successful first year developing the Italian market. Since launch, China Telecom in Italy has been partnering with Italian operators including Telecom Italia, Vodafone, Wind Tre and Fastweb. Together they have set up a range of business projects, including developments on the Internet of Things, virtual operators and ICT.
China Telecom has also joined forces with the two largest insurance companies in Italy to exploit opportunities around the Internet of Things and data transmission. And the Italian branch has built up strong relationships with Confindustria (the General Confederation of Italian Industry) and Assolombarda (the Lombardy Industrial Association).
Mr. Alex Lin, head of China Telecom’s Italian division, accepted the award at a ceremony in Milan earlier this month. He said, “I am delighted to receive this award. This is an acknowledgement of our hard work and an appreciation of our business value. I’m grateful to our European headquarters for their support. There are still many opportunities to explore, and I hope we will achieve even more success and recognition in 2019.”
Now in their 13th year, the China Awards are presented by Fondazione Italia Cina and MF-Milano Finanza, at the Leonardo Da Vinci Science and Technology Museum, Milan, Italy. Mr Lin, Counsellor Li Shaofeng from the Chinese Consulate General’s Economic and Commercial Office in Milan and Deputy Consul General Wang Huijuan of the Chinese Consulate General joined local business leaders, journalists and influencers at the awards dinner, which took place on 6 December 2018.
Media Contact:
Naomi Hope
Tel: +44 (0) 7422 930 631