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Products and Services from China Telecom (Europe)

Providing industry leading telecommunications and technology services, China Telecom (Europe) helps connect your business to every corner of the world.
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Digital solutions for every business

When choosing China Telecom (Europe) for your business, you can be certain of a comprehensive solution for your business needs. With our one-stop shop of telecommunications and technology solutions, we serve multiple industries across the world – from retail and manufacturing to software and governments.

We are your professional partner that can help you take your digital business to the next level. Our products and services deliver technological solutions fit for modern demands. Future-proof your digital business with China Telecom (Europe) as your partner.

Electronics factory

Digital Solutions for every business

Traditional connectivity

VPN Solutions

Fast, secure connection between Europe and China

Converge voice, video, data and cloud applications from multiple locations onto one secure global network, and prioritise vital traffic to reduce operational complexity and capital costs, using China Telecom (Europe)’s VPN China service.

International Private Lines

Secure end-to-end communication

As your organisation expands across the globe, you need robust and flexible communication networks that provides the speed you need to succeed. Our IPLC and IEPL are private line services that come with fast provisioning, rapid problem solving and highly competitive pricing.

Global ethernet

Fast, reliable and scalable Ethernet connections for global businesses

Our Global Ethernet services let you quickly build a reliable private global communication network that delivers multiple bandwidth-intensive communication services.

Global Wavelength Services

Transmit high volume, high quality data

With our far-reaching international land and submarine cable system, our Global Wavelength Services allows your business to achieve worldwide high speed network on a backbone bandwidth of more than 7000Gbps.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Effectively deliver your digital content to the world

With China Telecom (Europe)’s high-performance Content Delivery Network (CDN), your business can deliver content seamlessly to your users including including video downloads, video streaming (on-demand and live), online gaming, software downloads and patches, user-generated content, music and audio downloads and website acceleration.